World Class Electric Vehicle
Range Mapping
Mapping Range and Energy Consumption Estimation
Mauka Energy offers the batter-hybrid electric vehicle energy routing (BEVER) and forestry electric vehicle energy routing (FEVER) tools that accounts for heavy-duty trucks capable of regenerative braking. This tool allows operators of EVs to select the most energy efficient route to their destination and determine the maximum range of their vehicles.
Simulations on forest landscapes indicate that in road systems where empty logging trucks gain elevation and full trucks lose elevation while delivering their timber loads to lower elevation mills, regenerative braking can reduce energy transportation cost by over 30%.
Forest stands colored based on total transportation cost (kilojoules) for an empty Hybrid Class 8 Truck traveling from the Lewisburg Trailhead (node 101) to the harvest polygon and then traveling back loaded to Peavy Arboretum (Node 190).
Our Services
Landscape Level Digitization & EV range estimation
We offer high accuracy landscape level mapping and modeling to calculate and show range and energy cost for electric and hybrid vehicles using the FEVER tool
Cost Analysis
Our system allows for cost comparisons between EV and traditional diesel fleets. Our patented BEVER tool can show the effective cost saving in terms of energy and total operational cost.
Licensing & Training
The patented BEVER & FEVER technology is available for licensing. We offer training and support services to GIS analysis and automotive manufacturers and designers
Chris Langevin
Christopher Langevin is a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) in British Columbia. He is the senior RPF and head of the Silviculture department at Coastal Natural Resource Management. Chris has a Masters in Sustainable Forest Management from University of British Columbia (UBC) and a Bachelor of Economics and Business from University of Victoria. Chris has successfully managed a variety of forestry related projects ranging from operations to reforestation. He has experience in GIS, database management, statistical analysis, and has over a decade of forestry field experience.
David Hamilton
David Hamilton is a RPF and a PhD student in forest engineering at Oregon State University (OSU) studying electric logging trucks. David has a Masters in Geomatics and environmental management from UBC and a Bachelor of Science in forest resource management from UBC. His background includes working as operations supervisor for the UBC’s Alex Fraser Research Forest. David has served as a sessional lecturer in forest policy at OSU and has a background in forest operations, project management and GIS programming, as well as over a decade of experience as a forest engineer.
Chris Dimoff
Christopher Dimoff is a full stack software engineer and system architect with 8 years of experience designing, implementing, and operating reliable technical solutions at scale. He has built and deployed solutions for both startups and fortune 500 companies alike with a wide variety of scope and technologies ranging from FDA compliant data collection systems used in clinical trials to highly reliable web applications serving millions of requests a day for companies like Airbnb. Chris specializes in both the design and implementation of end-to-end technical solutions with expertise in system design, multiple backend and frontend frameworks, database design, mobile development (iOS/Android), machine learning, data engineering, operating/deploying/monitoring complex systems at scale, as well as embedded programming and printer circuit board design.
Victoria Diederichs
Victoria Diederichs, is a RPF and a student at Oregon State University working toward dual Masters degrees in Sustainable Forest Management and Wood Science & Engineering. Currently, she is studying organizational learning, communication, and innovation in the wood products sector. She is also a part-owner of Industrial Forestry Services Ltd. in British Columbia, where she previously managed a forest harvest waste and residue survey program.
John Sessions
Dr. Sessions, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, has been involved in transportation operations and research for more than 40 years at Oregon State University. Previously, Dr. Sessions was harvesting manager of the world’s largest tropical forest plantation where he oversaw a fleet of over 300 company and contractor trucks. His research has been documented in more than 400 peer-reviewed publications and reports including the upcoming international book Forest Logistics. Dr. Sessions has authored a number of network-based software and truck simulation software. He chairs the examination team for professional registration in forest engineering for the State of Oregon. His accomplishments have been recognized with a number of awards, including the National Award in Forest Science by the Society of American Foresters and the Scientific Achievement Award by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Dr. Sessions serves as technical advisor for the development of the FEVER tool’s truck performance modeling.
Our Partnerships
Edison Motors
Our partnership with Edison Motors aims to revolutionize the logging industry by introducing eco-friendly transportation solutions. Edison Motors is the leading expert in advanced forestry electric vehicle technology, and their prototype ELT L-Series ‘Topsy’ is the first hybrid electric vehicle built from the ground up to haul logs
McDonald Dunn Research Forest
Mauka Energy has partnered with Oregon State University’s Research Forests to develop the FEVER tool. The McDonald and Dunn Research Forests are located a short 15 minute drive north of the OSU campus. Because of their close proximity to campus, these Forests are extensively used for university instruction and research. Managers apply several silvicultural themes - even-aged, two-aged, and multi-aged (plus mature forest reserves) across the entire McDonald and Dunn Forests, depending on specific objectives for each area. The Forest's recreation opportunities in close proximity to the Corvallis community result in over 155,000 non-motorized recreation visits each year.
OSU Advantage Accelerator
Oregon State University’s Advantage Accelerator program and commercialization experts were crucial in securing the patent underpinning the BEVER and FEVER technology. The BEVER and FEVER tools and methodology arose out of research by David Hamilton at Oregon State University.
In July 2023, OSU prepared and filed a United States non-provisional patent application to secure the core technology for the FEVER tool.
In April 2024, OSU prepared and filed a United States non-provisional patent application to secure the core technology for the BEVER tool.
UBC's Alex Fraser Research Forest
UBC’s Alex Fraser Research Forest is hosting research projects to help develop the FEVER tool. The Alex Fraser Research Forest is part of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia. Situated on close to 10,000 hectares of crown forest in the Cariboo region of south-central British Columbia, it is one of two UBC Research Forests managed to create opportunities for research, education and demonstration of sustainable forest management.
Our Research
Here is a video with our industry partners where we discuss our collaboration and the application of Mauka’s Technology to EV developers.